Welcome to Memories of the Soo

Memories of the Soo is dedicated to the Sault Ste. Marie of yesterday and to all those people who have a favourite memory of a Sault Ste. Marie that is no more.

The genesis of this web page began when I began researching my old high school, Lakeway C. & V.S. on the web. Having been a part of the last graduating class of Lakeway in 1987, I had been curious if anyone had ever gotten around to organizing a reunion. Not only did I find no mention of a reunion in my searches, I hardly found any reference to the school at all.

With the explosion of the internet and the world wide web in the 1990s I thought for sure someone would have by now built a small shrine to a institute that mean so much to so many over the 65 years of its existence. Finding nothing, I decided that perhaps I should build a site worthy of the good old Trojans.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it just wasn’t Lakeway that I had fond memories of, it was a hundred other little things that were a part of my childhood growing up in the Soo that I was nostalgic for -- King George V Public School, Bellevue Park, Soo Drive-In, and Roller Rinks to name a few of the things that have since disappeared.

I spoke to my sister, Patti, who too left the Soo to attend university and never moved back, and we both agreed that it would be fun to organize a site where people like ourselves and those still living in Sault Ste. Marie could share memories of the Sault that have since vanished with time.

I love learning about local history and not the stuff of textbooks, but rather the personal stories of what life was like living in a different time. I always enjoy hearing my parents tell stories of the Sault of their own childhood and how much things have changed. I hope that over time that this site may become a living testimony to the rich and diverse personal history of Sault Ste. Marie and that many generations of citizens past and present will share their own stories.

The site for the time being is very narrowly focused, primarily on things that interest Patti and myself, but I want to hear from others that have memories and pictures of the Sault (and area) that they would like to share of Sault Ste. Marie of yesterday.

Andy Taylor
Toronto – August 2001

Andy [circa 1986]

Patti [circa 1987]

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